They all have taken the six steps according to Mike Michalowicz @ The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. Are you ready to try these six things that all successful people do?
1. Set goals
Successful people set goals that have a specific completion date. I will lose 10 pounds within 60 days. Not, I will lose weight sometime this year. Set concrete goals with a time frame for when you want to achieve those goals.
2. Get started
Successful people start immediately. They don’t drag their feet or put it off. They act on a goal right away, because they understand the power of momentum. They may not do the whole thing at once, but they do take a big step to get started. Maybe they fill out the calendar and reserve critical dates and times. Maybe they call others and get delivery commitments from them for those dates. No matter what it is, they take action right away.
3. Think positive
This is the half-empty, half-full syndrome. Successful people are optimists and believe the cup is always half full. They aren’t pie-in-the-sky types, but they see the positive side of an opportunity, and they believe in their ability to achieve their goals.
4. Take action
Those who are successful take action, even on partial information. Too many people wait around until they think they have all the answers. But if you do that, you may wait forever. It is called “analysis paralysis,” and a lot of people experience it. Successful people don’t proceed blindly, but they know that, once they have the critical details, they can make a decision and act accordingly.
5. Be determined
6. Attract it
Many people use the law of attraction to become successful. This means having a clear vision of what you want. Your thoughts can draw success to you. I am not talking voodoo magic here. But I am suggesting that what we think about most, we notice most. When you buy that new blue car you’ve been coveting, you suddenly notice that everyone has the same car.
Buddha once said, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” Success doesn’t just happen to people. You have to do something to make it happen. Following these steps will put you on the path to success. Heck, you will probably be the next success story. You soup nazi, you.
what an interesting and great article, Charlie! thanks for the sharing! Great entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Yury Mintskovsky or Ray Kroc also followed those steps mentioned above and they succeeded in their business. They were optimists and they believed in their ability to achieve their goals. I really admire these successful men!
ReplyDeleteOne of your customers wrote back to you saying they loved your product/service? Go ahead announce it to the world! Better still if that customer is on your social network, thank them online and provide a link to their testimonial. A positive word from peer will go a long way in convincing your prospects.